LAST CALL - 2016 Spring Wait, What? Fundraising Appeal

LAST CALL - 2016 Spring Wait, What? Fundraising Appeal

From Jonathan Pelto

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell

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Update #1

almost 9 years ago

Thanks to the people who have donated!

Last Call for the 2016 Spring Wait, What? fundraising appeal.

Your help is needed - Your financial support is greatly appreciated.

No contribution is to big or to small :)

More Info

Wait, What? is dedicated to shining the light of truth on the Corporate Education Reform Industry’s efforts to privatize public education and to speak out on the political and policy issues that threaten the people of Connecticut.

With the assistance, participation, and financial support of many readers, Wait What? has attracted well over 2 million visits and produced nearly 30,000 comments since its inception in January 2011.

Wait, What? commentary pieces have regularly appeared on Diane Ravitch’s blog, as well as, in the Washington Post, Progressive Magazine, Truthout and dozens of national, regional and state publications. 

The Wait, What? platform has also served as an important platform for other education advocates to add their voices to the battle to promote public education and fight for our students, parents, teachers and public schools.

And at a time when many in the media and politics run and hide from the serious problems and challenges that face Connecticut, Wait, What? has become a vital vehicle in the effort to speak the truth and hold our elected officials accountable.

With your help, Wait, What? will continue its role.

In addition, as the blog’s creator, I’m beginning a series of in-depth, long-form investigative pieces on how the wealthy and corporate interests behind charter schools, the Common Core, the Common Core testing scam and the anti-teacher agenda are undermining our democracy at the state and local level.

Without the financial backing of big corporations, foundations or interest groups, Wait, What’s support comes from reader donations - financial support that is extremely important and greatly appreciated.

For those who have been so generous in the past, your continued support is needed.

And for those who have not donated, but read the posts or believe that Wait, What? is helping raise awareness and drive the political debate, please do what you can to help the cause.

On-line donations can be made via the following link;

Or, if you would prefer, donations can also be made by check. 

Checks should be made out to Wait, What? and sent to

Wait, What?

c/o Jonathan Pelto,

PO Box 400,

Storrs, CT. 06268

Contributions are not tax-deductible, but they go a very long way toward help with the maintenance of Wait, What

As always, thanks so much…

Words cannot convey my gratitude.


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Jonathan Pelto posted a new update:
almost 9 years ago

Update #1

Thanks to the people who have donated!

Last Call for the 2016 Spring Wait, What? fundraising appeal.

Your help is needed - Your financial support is greatly appreciated.

No contribution is to big or to small :)

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