2023 was rough, help me end 2024 a little bit better

2023 was rough, help me end 2024 a little bit better

From Alexis DeJulio

Hello, I am raising money to hopefully get back on my feet and pay for medical bills.

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Hello, I am a hardworking nonprofit professional who has dedicated the last 10 years of my life to fundraising for the IDD community. I love what I do and am very proud of the impact that I have been able to help make in my line of work. Unfortunately, 2023 was a difficult year and I was laid off from not one but two jobs. I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease and found out I have a tumor on my thyroid which has impacted my health greatly. All things combined I have taken on an immense amount of debt and am doing my best to climb out of it. I am hoping you will consider helping a fellow human out of a rough time and I truly appreciate you and your existence. 

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