Eagle Annual Fund - $24,000 by end of 2024

Eagle Annual Fund - $24,000 by end of 2024

From Imagine Lone Star International Academy

Our school is raising critical funds to provide an engaging, high-quality IB Primary Years Programme experience while retaining high-quality IB teachers.

Imagine Lone Star International Academy

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What is the Eagle Annual Fund?

The Eagle Annual Fund is the school's annual fundraising campaign. It supports vital learning opportunities for students and faculty in support of a K-5 IB culture with a legacy academic excellence and international mindedness. The Eagle Annual Fund provides critical funds that help cover the budget gap between state funding and what the Imagine Lone Star International Academy, a tuition-free, non-profit public charter school, needs to provide an engaging and high-quality, IB Primary Years Programme experience while retaining high-quality IB teachers.

This year, we kicked off the Eagle Annual Fund with participation in North Texas Giving Day sponsored by Communities Foundation of Texas as part of our “$24,000 by 2024” campaign.

How can fundraising help the school?

Our school is financially stable and has received Superior ratings from Texas for its financial performance. This reflects our careful stewardship of state funds, which pay for all the school's expenses - from salaries to utilities to maintenance. But we can do more. Contributions generated from the Eagle Annual Fund will allow us to offset these operational costs and close the funding gap, enhancing our ability to deliver high quality instructional experiences under the IB framework.

Why is fundraising necessary?

Public charter schools receive less funds on average than traditional public ISDs. Our school receives roughly $4000 less per student than our neighboring ISDs because charter schools are not eligible to receive funding from local property taxes. And, because public schools in Texas receive state funds based on their average daily attendance (ADA), the amount we receive for each student enrolled can end up being less, further increasing the funding gap.

Does attendance really have an impact?

For the 2022-2023 school year, our school lost $100,000 in state funding due to absences. Our responsibility is to ensure our students are present and ready to learn to not only support their academic progress, but also the sustainability of the school.

How can fundraising offset the teacher salary gap?

Teacher salaries are paid directly from state funds and included in the school's operational costs. Because of the state funding gap, public charter school teachers typically make $15,000 to $20,000 less than those in neighboring ISDs. Annual fund donations raised allow us to continue generating a surplus at the end of each year, which can help establish and support teacher retention bonuses in the future.

How can fundraising support IB teaching and learning?

Annual Fund donations will be used to provide the extras to support our focus on delivering a high-quality IB PYP academic experience in a K - 5 family-like school culture. Funds generated will be put to good use in support of inquiry and play-based learning experiences, technology procurement and upgrades and teacher professional development.

What is the financial goal of the Eagle Annual Fund for the 2023-2024 School year?

Our goal is to raise $24,000 in Eagle Donations by the end of 2023-2024 school year. We met nearly 50% of our goal with generous donor contributions on North Texas Giving Day!

If every family contributed $100 per student, we could meet this goal! As the most important stakeholders in your children’s education, your financial support directly benefits their academic opportunities and experiences.

Does Imagine Lone Star International Academy allow corporate matching?

Many companies offer corporate matches, doubling the impact of donation. We encourage you to talk with your employer’s HR department to find out if your company has a Matching Gift Program – if so, you could double your Eagle Fund contribution!

Can the school require families to donate?

As an open-enrollment public charter school, Imagine Lone Star International Academy cannot require families to donate. However, in the spirit of the mission of the International Baccalaureate Organization, which values service and taking action to make a difference in one’s community, we strongly encourage our families to donate. Donations of ANY amount are appreciated, as they directly support our ongoing efforts to continually enhance the IB teaching and learning for both faculty and students. Our goal is always 100% family participation- and we encourage families to give their individual best.

Is my contribution Tax-Deductible?

Yes! Imagine Lone Star International Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and all contributions to the Eagle Annual Fund are tax-deductible. All contributions are confidential.

How can I make a contribution to the Eagle Fund?

Contributions can be made at any time before June 30, 2024, the end of our fiscal year, to help us meet our goal of $24,000. Families can contribute directly to the Eagle Annual Fund via our website using a credit card or checking account information, Contributions can be accepted as a one-time payment or spread out in monthly increments. Families can also write a check payable to the school.

Who Can I Contact with Further Questions?

Please email [email protected].

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