3 States 3 Mates

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3 States 3 Mates

From Nathan Lowe

Our cause, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, is a leading civil rights organization and law firm that fights for racial justice through litigation, advocacy, and public education.

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My name is Nathan, and I will be traveling via bicycle from Neah Bay, WA to San Diego, CA with the help of my friends Eli and Keaton throughout the month of June. I was originally set to cycle across the country with The Ability Experience on the Journey of Hope - before its cancellation due to concerns with COVID-19. Although I am disappointed my original ride could not take place, I did not want this opportunity to go to waste - so I organized this ride with the help of Eli & Keaton who will serve as my support along the ride. We will be socially distancing when arriving in new locations as to not endanger communities we camp in.

While The Ability Experience is a great cause and it is always in our best interests to uplift those around us living with disabilities - we cannot ignore the trials and tribulations that our black brothers and sisters are going through in their fight for equality and liberation from an unfair and unjust system built on centuries of white supremacy. The loss of George Floyd has ignited a spark in this country that can lead to real systemic change if we fight - all of us - for transparency, accountability and reform. We need to redistribute our funds and our resources,  to black communities, and to black prosperity. The structure our country has in place has done nothing but silence, endanger and kill people of color for the benefit of the white population. 

Our cause, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, is a leading civil rights organization and law firm that fights for racial justice through litigation, advocacy, and public education. Their goals are to expand our democracy by eliminating disparities so we may achieve racial justice that will fulfill the promise of equality for all Americans. 

Posting hashtags will not end police brutality. Sharing photos on Instagram will not reform our justice system. Meaningful change does not come while everyone is comfortable. It takes commitment, and we hope you can commit to this cause, so that our black community may see a future where they do not need to live in fear. Our intention is to not take away from black voices in our community, or to champion ourselves above others. Our intent is to show you how we can all help in our own unique ways, while hopefully brightening your day.

Black lives matter. We need change. 

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