All American Road Trip

All American Road Trip

From Drue Detox

Hello friends, Bobby and I have started this fundraising page to help us round up enough money to complete our all American road trip for Summer 2014. Want to help out?

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Update #1

over 10 years ago

Last chance to help us reach our campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

More Info

Dear friends and family, As many of you know already Bobby and I are going on an all American road trip next summer between June and July. It is going to be a lengthy and expensive trip. I've calculated that it is going to cost us over $1,500 just in gas alone. Not to mention we still need to feed ourselves, find a safe place to sleep, and have extra money for admission fees to certain sites and attractions. All around the cost of our trip is going to be around $5,000. We have already raised quite a bit on our own just from saving bits and pieces of our own paychecks. We also raised over $200 at our last 2 garage sales. But we only have a little less than 25 days left until the trip and we are not even close enough to our goal. I'm reaching out to all of you for a helping hand. Please help us reach our goal in time for our trip. All donations are greatly appreciated no matter how much or how little. Every last smile and photograph from our trip will be because of you and your help. Thank you all so much. We're crossing out fingers.

Love, Drue

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Drue Detox posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Last Call for Road Trip Donations!

Last chance to help us reach our campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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