Altruify - Philanthropy Management Platform

Altruify - Philanthropy Management Platform

From Joel Millar

We are raising money to build Altruify, a 501(c)(3), donor-facing philanthropy management and CSR marketplace, which allows donors, corporation and nonprofits to conduct their philanthropic fundraising activities.

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More Info

Altruify is a 501(c)(3) comprehensive, donor-facing philanthropy management and CSR marketplace, which allows donors, corporation and nonprofits to conduct their philanthropic fundraising and CSR activities. Altruify allows charitable donors to identify their favorite charities, create donation matching coalitions to maximize their donations, manage their philanthropy through detailed reports and track the impact of their donations through our donation tracking mechanism. Altruify's "Donate-Through-Data" technology allows users to generate charitable donations through their interactions with digital devices and applications.   

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