Autism Mom With A Dream!

Autism Mom With A Dream!

From Empress DYkes

I am raising toward my home that was damaged in Beryl, my sick mother's medical bills (she has been hospitalized 3 yrs and has lost speech and mobility), as well as my business/inventory so I can maintain a steady inc...

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So my mom contracted coronavirus in Sept 2021 and was then placed in a medical induced coma where she had to have a trach placed in her throat and lost her ability to ever speak again. She was bed bound in this coma until Oct 2021, she finally woke up but was never the same. She can now respond to questions by shaking head, blinking twice, etc. She will never again be able to walk or talk. I was keeping up with her medical bills alone as my siblings cannot afford them. As of 2022 my childs father was murdered with a gunshot to the head. This took a drastic toll on me mentally and physically. I was no longer keeping up with my businesses or my moms medical bills also due to the fact that over $150,000 of our cash was stolen from us after this. Not only did I suffer mentally but financially. 

All of this as im juggling my beautiful and perfect autistic 7 year old princess. I moved to texas for a fresh start last year and was deeply impacted by the hurricane we just suffered last month. I was unable to get any help from the state as i was staying with a friend and nothing in my name. I am now back in my hometown bouncing between family members. 

Any money donated to my cause will be used towards inventory for my company so that instead of spending, I can use this money and redirect it into more profit and maintain a steady income for me and my family. I will get back on my feet again after the worst past 3 years of my life!

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