Help the Biodynamic Association Revitalize Our Website!

Help the Biodynamic Association Revitalize Our Website!

From Biodynamic Association

Help us engage 100,000+ people around the world in biodynamic learning and action! We want to upgrade our website design and function to create a beautiful and user-friendly portal to our abundant online resources.

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Update #9

almost 7 years ago

We've just received a generous pledge of $2500 to help revitalize our website from INFRA: Independent Natural Food Retailers Association! INFRA strengthens independent natural food retailers through shared resources with a concentration on operational improvement, marketing and joint purchasing. Their support of biodynamics, and of a highly functioning website, is REAL. Just THREE days left of this campaign and $4,898 to raise 'til we reach our goal. With your help WE CAN DO THIS.

More Info

The earth and humanity need biodynamics: healing and health through food and agriculture. A revitalized website will help the Biodynamic Association effectively grow the biodynamic movement, now more than ever.

Click here to view our crowdfunding video.

Here's why:

More than 100,000 people from all over the world visit our website each year seeking information and resources on biodynamics. occupies the #1 and #2 positions in a Google search for "biodynamics." We will facilitate a major redesign of our website's to better welcome our visitors and connect them with the resources and information they are seeking. 

Over 40% of our website users use their mobile device to access our resources. One of our top priorities will be to make our site as mobile friendly as possible.

Spanish-speaking agricultural communities are increasingly expressing interest in biodynamics. We will create and launch a Spanish-language Resources page on our website, in Spanish, as a way to begin to meet this interest.

Since the start of 2017, over 600 people have participated in our webinars, we’ve listed almost 300 biodynamic-related events on our calendar, and we've launched a new Biodynamic Research References Portal. We want to make sure these helpful online resources are easy to find and navigate, and joyful to use.

We are bursting with ideas that will allow us to share more biodynamic stories and information, even better than ever before. A website revitalization will beautifully facilitate new ideas - from incorporating more video and interactive forums, to hosting a vibrant blog, to better connecting bioregional communities.  

All of the Biodynamic Association’s programs, from training farmers to organizing the largest biodynamic conference in North America, rely on a highly functional website to succeed and grow. Your support of this campaign will strengthen every aspect of our work to renew the vitality of the earth, the integrity of our food, and the health and wholeness of our communities.

Thank you for giving generously to this campaign, and thank you for supporting biodynamics!  

Special thanks to Rich Meijer for editing this video, and to Dan Mackenzie for contributing music. We are so grateful.

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #9

We've just received a generous pledge of $2500 to help revitalize our website from INFRA: Independent Natural Food Retailers Association! INFRA strengthens independent natural food retailers through shared resources with a concentration on operational improvement, marketing and joint purchasing. Their support of biodynamics, and of a highly functioning website, is REAL. Just THREE days left of this campaign and $4,898 to raise 'til we reach our goal. With your help WE CAN DO THIS.

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #8

In just the past day and a half alone, we've had 14 pledges come in! With only 5 days left, we're still a ways away from our goal, but we're so touched by the level of support we've received so far. If you haven't donated yet, please consider making a donation. We've received donations in all sizes, any amount helps!

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #7

With huge thanks for an extraordinarily generous gift of $5,000 from ConnOils, a global leader in manufacturing and distribution of high quality natural, organic and nutritional bulk oil, oil powders, softgels and specialty ingredients. We have reached over 57% of our $20,000 goal to revitalize the website! The good folks at ConnOils recently toured Turtle Creek Gardens in southeastern Wisconsin, and they believe that biodynamic agriculture, and the BDA's ability to educate others about it through our website and programs, is key to a healthier future for all.

We have six days left to raise the remaining $8,688 for much-needed website enhancements. Donate if you can, or spread the word! It all helps. Thank you!

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #6

We've reached 30% of our goal - and must keep the momentum going! Here is why the BDA's Development Director, Karisa Centanni, donated to this campaign:

“I am so proud of the team at the Biodynamic Association for agreeing to ask our larger community for funds that will truly support our needs. A revitalized website will have an extraordinary impact on so many aspects of our work -- from helping us to better share farmers’ and farm apprentices’ stories, to making the abundant research and resources we house even more available. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the Biodynamic Association, and to this campaign, specifically.”

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #5

We are at the halfway point of our campaign...but are not yet halfway to our goal. Can you help by spreading the word? Every donation, large and small, helps tremendously.

Here is why BDA staff person, Anna McAvoy-Emrick, has donated:

"I believe that the work of the Biodynamic Association is making this world and its people healthier. I respect that the work nurtures a thoughtful, spirit-filled form of agriculture and contributes to a better food system. It’s important to me to support positive approaches and positive momentum in the current world, and to leave this world a better place than when I came into it. Plus, I want to see the website move into a more beautiful format. That’s more fun for everyone!"

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #4

Thanks for your continued support of the Biodynamic Association's Campaign to Revitalize our Website! We still have a ways to go before reaching our goal...but every single donation helps!

Here is why Rebecca Briggs, staff person at the BDA, chose to make a donation:

"Having worked with communications for the BDA for the past 10 years, I’ve seen a tremendous shift in the online landscape, as well as in the visibility of the biodynamic movement. With more and more people seeking positive solutions to the crises around them, I strongly believe it’s our mission to make the message of biodynamics available to as many people, in as many ways, as possible. It certainly doesn’t negate all the critical on-the-ground work, but I think it’s crucial for strengthening the knowledge and community building that’s needed for that work to go forward. That’s why I’m contributing both in my work as an employee AND in my support as a donor."

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #3

Thanks to the continued support of dedicated colleagues, family and friends, we are just shy of reaching 25% of our campaign goal! Please continue to spread the word about the Biodynamic Association's goal of a revitalized website - and thank you all so much for continuing to support us!

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #2

Honeybees festooning as they do their good work: inspiration of what the whole can do that the individual cannot. Collectively, we CAN raise $20,000 to make much needed website enhancements a reality. Every donation helps! Thanks for spreading the word. (Photo: Melinda Bower)

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Biodynamic Association posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #1

It is so exciting to see all of the support for our website revitalization campaign pour in! It is one day since the campaign’s launch, and we have already reached 8% of our $20,000 goal. Incredible. Thanks so much BDA Members and supporters!

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