Bookcology Children's Educational Entertainment

Bookcology Children's Educational Entertainment

From Colleen Smith

We are in need of finances for stage materials (i.e. props, costumes, travel, staffing, extra learning materials such as coloring and activity books, crayons etc. and also advertising and marketing materials.

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We live in a visually conscious society where the majority of our everyday lifestyle is dictated to us thru the medium of visual images that come from television, stage, and film. If indeed this philosophy is true, and we know that it is, then the mission of Bookcology is to produce wholesome, positive and life changing productions from our children's books.  Our books and stage productions will help to influence the mindsets of children and the viewing audience, thereby laying a foundation of change through a generation of new youthful thinkers! This will help breath new life into the heart of America’s communities thru positive visual images!

Bookcology publishing is a non-profit 501c3 organization that focuses on the positive and mental wellness development of children. It is our endeavor to influence children to utilize their creativity to make changes and a difference through the arts! Please consider joining us and help undertake this so needful mission! ...... imagine the possibilities!


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