Boswell Boys

Boswell Boys

From Boswell Boys Legacy

In 2021 Triple M Legacy Trust was created by Waraire Boswell for his two sons, Mason & Miles. Friends and family may add to the Triple M Legacy Trust by way of this platform.

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Crafting & Continuing Legacy: The Boswell Boys Legacy

Waraire Boswell’s life was a testament to the belief that true greatness is measured by the love and care one extends to family and community. From his early passion for design to his career’s pinnacle, Waraire’s journey was marked by excellence and dedication.

As a father, he nurtured his sons, Mason and Miles, with the same meticulous care he applied to his designs, teaching them that kindness and love define a man’s true measure. For his wife, Monica, he was a steadfast partner, their bond a harmonious dance of mutual respect and admiration.

The legacy Waraire wanted for his boys was one of freedom from life’s limitations, the possibility to dream, knowledge of oneself, and the importance of education.  

His legacy now lives on through his boys –Mason, who bears his father’s entrepreneurial spirit and love of business, is a seeker of global adventure, and is passionate about history and community. And, Miles, is an avid sports lover, a vibrant soul, and a showman always ready for the stage. 

This is why Waraire created the Triple M Legacy Trust in 2021. This fund is for the boy's future.  Let us keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

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