Provide funds for 2 screenings of this film at the Maple Theater.
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"Ragamuffin is a beautiful and moving film that captures one man’s struggle to overcome the trappings of success, and to learn how to accept the unconditional love of God. Whether or not you are a fan of Rich Mullins, you will be touched by this movie. It is honest, accurate, and unafraid to show Rich’s scars, yet pointing us all to the deeper truth even if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts.”
- James Bryan Smith, author of Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven
Rich Mullins music and life story made a huge impact on me 12 years ago. It is an authentic and inspiring look at the life of Rich Mullins showing how God worked through him and his music even through his struggles in life. Jay Gersabeck
The Ragamuffin production company has offered a 50/50 share which means they take 50% to recoup production costs and the cost of the theater rental comes out of the sponsors profit. So whoever donates the money may recoup the front money if the movie sells out or the money can be donated to a worthy cause. I am raising a little extra funds to cover promotion costs. Ticket prices for theater patrons will be set at $10.00 or 8.00 dollars for a group. Since I lost my job unexpectedly last week, I decided to try and work on this in addition to my job search. I will provide a ticket to the top 10 benefactors donating for this cause.
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