Queer Disabled BIPOC Needs Help with Living Expenses

Queer Disabled BIPOC Needs Help with Living Expenses

From Jaya Laugharn

My car engine gave out! I am planning to move and buying a new vehicle throws a wrench in those plans! I am in need of assistance to secure safe work transportation, solidify moving costs while also being able to eat!

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Due to constant fatigue and pain, I am only able to work so many hours in a week without compromising my physical health. I have been riding a thin line for about a year between working enough to be resourced financially and working less and being resourced physically; enough to feel like I am living and able to enjoy my life. I always choose feeling at home, in this body.

It has been working well enough until the unexpected happens and I am reminded that financial resource, is material resource - is my environment - IS my body.

I skirt by with extremely narrow margins of flexibility until my body decides it is too heavy and aching to accomplish my already pruned back allowance of labor. And I am once again at a crossroads with my capacity and a relentless demand. 

 My car breaking down is majorly triggering to the decade plus of poverty and housing insecurity that have plagued my life and whose impacts I will never outlive. I am more resourced than I ever have been in my whole life since early teenhood, yet have never been resourced enough to consider the what ifs or spontaneity of emergency. Even when they have come. Moments that ask for many different types of resource which for me in multiple ways, are limited.

I have no structurally sound safety netting, I was herded into and am prone to hyper independence. An adaptation I have personally found to be a fallacy. I am not only individual. I am made up of a thousand different moments of people’s time and labor and effort and offerings and hands. For always. 

It is not always convenient to help others, especially as we all face greater and greater need as the days progress. I am asking to inconvenience you, if only to feel myself breathing. If only for a minute to share this with someone who may be less inconvenienced enough to help (<3 !) me do so.

I have no safety net outside of my trust and belief that we keep each safe and the allowance of my life that others who were kind when they didn’t have to be have afforded me. 

Anything and everything is appreciated, deeply. Even if it is not me who you help today. It all means so much. We all deserve someone’s time and effort and care. Myself included. 

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