Sanitation Care Kits for the Homeless

This campaign is unable to receive donations at this time.

Sanitation Care Kits for the Homeless

From CHAMP Foundation

The CHAMP Foundation board will be assembling Care Kits for the homeless and distributing them through Seattle Union Gospel Mission. We ask for monetary donations at this time so that we can purchase items for the kits.

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COVID-19 has affected all of our lives drastically. Everyone is being told to practice social distancing and proper hygiene. At a crazy time like this, it is especially important to think of those in need, such as the homeless.

The CHAMP Foundation board will be assembling Sanitation Care Kits for the homeless and distributing them through Seattle's Union Gospel Mission. We ask you for monetary donations at this time (due to the restrictions of COVID-19), so that we can purchase the items for the Care Kits. We want to help Seattle's homeless population be as sanitary and cautious as people in order to prevent more spreading of the virus. 

 Each Care Kit will include:




Hand sanitizer

Note of encouragement

We will be publishing photos and updates on our Instagram @champfoundation. We hope that you choose to help us with our cause! 


Ishani and Megan

Founders of CHAMP Foundation 

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