Jan Washburn - Celebrating his Legacy with a Garden Memorial

Jan Washburn - Celebrating his Legacy with a Garden Memorial

From Joe Acanfora

A permanent memorial for Jan Washburn in a beautiful Botanical Garden loved by Jan. We'll work with mosaics artist, Wilma Wyss, to reflect Jan's passion to understand and share the wonders of the natural world around us.

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In January this year, we lost one of the most wonderful and loved people in many of our lives - Jan Washburn. He was a friend, husband, brother, uncle, and in-law; an ecologist, entomologist, biologist, and naturalist; an educator, collaborator, author, colleague, mentee, mentor, researcher, scientific advisor, docent, and protege; an artist, and more.

Antonio Leony and Joe Acanfora now are raising funds to create a memorial for Jan likely to be placed in a garden that he loved and where he volunteered for many years as docent. Among the candidate gardens we are in discussions with are the University of California Berkeley and Mendocino  Botanical Gardens.

We are working with an acclaimed mosaics artist, Wilma Wyss, to create an artistic tribute to Jan - reflecting his passion to understand and share with so many others the wonders of the natural world around us.

 Funds will be used for the design, construction, installation, and Garden donation to make this an enduring reality where Jan's time with each of us can be forever remembered and celebrated with our love for such a great human being.

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