Aesha Rasheed turns 40 on November 19th! We are giving everyone an opportunity to show their gratitude & appreciation for all of the contributions Aesha makes to our lives & communities by contributing to a new car fund!
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The campaign has closed! Including offline donations, we raised $5,125.00 Thank you to everyone who participated. Much LOVE!!!!
In just 24 hours we have raised over $3,000! We created a stretch goal of $5,000. We know we can get there. The response has been amazing. Thanks everyone who donated so far. Please keep sharing. We know there are others who want to be part of this enormous demonstration of gratitude and love.
NEW YEAR, NEW BROOM! AESHA turns FORTY today!!!! As a surprise, we are starting a crowdfunding campaign to help her get into a functioning car. For those of you who have recently taken a ride in Ru, Aesha's magical but seriously ailing Subaru station wagon, you know it is a scary venture. To show our appreciation and try to pay back the immense amount of unpaid labor Aesha puts into our lives and movement work, we are asking 60 - 70 people to donate $50. It is a small amount to ensure that our beloved healer, organizer, board member, education advocate, writer, sister, witch, baby-wrangler, titi, party bringer, leader and friend is safe and no longer riding dirty. :) Please share but make sure to set so that Aesha can't see these posts!
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The campaign has closed! Including offline donations, we raised $5,125.00 Thank you to everyone who participated. Much LOVE!!!!
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WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We raised, including offline donations, in just 15 days FIVE THOUSAND AND EIGHTY DOLLARS!!! Huge thanks to everyone who gave and who shared the campaign. We will close the campaign tomorrow, just in case any captains of the education industry, state education governing bodies, philanthropists or any heads of the Falton Woundation want to make a last minute matching grant!
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WE ARE IN THE HOOOOOOOME STRETCH, Y'ALL!!! Including off-line donations, We have raised $4,890!! Only $110 to go!!! WOOOOT!! We can do it!
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Including the offline donations, we are only $816 from our stretttttttch goal of $5,000! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and shared this. Aesha knows about it now, so feel free to post it with pure abandon all over the social media universe! They way we're going, I know we can hit our goal in the next couple of days!!
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WE HAVE RAISED $1,000 in ONE HOUR!!! Amazing!! Keep sharing and reposting!!
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Dec 05
Dec 03
Dec 02
Nov 21
Nov 18