Compose With Me: A Marathon for Beirut

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Compose With Me: A Marathon for Beirut

From Nebal Maysaud

Beirut needs your help. Join award-winning Lebanese composer Nebal Maysaud and friends in a 12-hour music writing marathon as we raise $5,000 to help Beirut’s most disenfranchised residents.

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More Info

On August 4 of this year, Beirut suffered a massive explosion that devastated the country. It was the latest contribution to near-apocalyptic conditions of the Lebanese people caused by an incompetent, morally (& fiscally) bankrupt government. After over two months, the explosion has waned from the news, but its damage is still felt. 

We cannot abandon Beirut. Lebanon is resilient, but they can’t recover alone. It’s time we let them know that the rest of the world has their back now and always, not just when they're in the news. 

Join award-winning composer Nebal Maysaud on “A Marathon for Beirut” as they write a song dedicated for their home country from start to finish within 12 hours. 

On the way, there will be guest appearances and performances by some of the music industry’s leading composers, Arabic musicians, and poets, and artists. Be sure to check the schedule so you don’t miss any of our fantastic interviews & performances. 

Finally, we will finish off the night with a concert by our esteemed guests, oud & violin duo Michal & Lena Massoud. They will perform the song written throughout the marathon after only seeing the piece for two hours. 

Through selling tickets, bringing people together, and calling for donations, we’re going to raise $5,000 to help the city recover. But you won’t have to walk away empty handed. Here are some special perks you get for donating: 

$35 - A digital copy of A Song for Beirut

$50 - Your name included on the score’s dedication page

$100 - Drop-in privilege. You’re free to call in for 10 minutes at any point in the livestream. 

We are going to unite our communities to uplift one another, leaving no one behind. Because as Lebanese people and/or as artists, that’s what we do. 

About the Money

Our goal is to raise $5,500 dollars to support two of the most marginalized communities in Beirut. The LGBTQ+ community, and migrant workers. Here is a breakdown of where funding will go, if we meet our goal: 

Queer Relief Fund: $2500

Egna Legna: $2500

Fundraiser & Card processing fees: approx.  $450 (8%)

Event fees: $50

Inshallah, if we exceed our goal, the remainder will be split evenly between the two charities, minus additional fundraiser processing fees (which are out of our control). Event fees cover costs incurred in the planning & advertising of this event and will not exceed $50.

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