Fick For Trustee

Recent Updates

Update #2

25 days ago

Two months remain and we are just over half way to our goal. Thank you all for your support. Lets keep pushing through and work together to make an impact on our township.

More Info

I am deeply grateful for your contributions as an independent candidate, your generosity is crucial to the campaign's success. Without the backing of a major party, We rely on the support of our community to drive our message forward. Your contributions enable us to participate in local government, ensuring our voices are heard and our unique needs are met. We create meaningful change at home by acting locally and thinking globally. 

As a new candidate with a fresh perspective, my candidacy offers invaluable advantages to our township trustee board. Independent and free from partisan ties, my vision is untethered by traditional constraints and is focused squarely on our community's aspirations.

Your support makes all the difference.

All donations will be pooled and distributed by the Christopher Fick Election Committee. These contributions will be utilized to raise awareness of this campaign using: Direct Mail, Social Media Marketing, Web Design & Development, Volunteer Support, and Yard Signs. 

Thank you!

Campaign Wall

Help Christopher raise $999 by making a donation.

Christopher Fick posted a new update:
25 days ago

Update #2

Two months remain and we are just over half way to our goal. Thank you all for your support. Lets keep pushing through and work together to make an impact on our township.

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Christopher Fick posted a new update:
2 months ago

Update #1

We are ready for launch. Today is the day!

I'm excited to announce the launch of my donation site for my campaign for Township Trustee! This platform will allow supporters to contribute to our mission of preserving our rural character, ensuring responsible fiscal management, and promoting small business growth. With your help, we can protect our community from overdevelopment, control spending, and streamline regulations to benefit local businesses. Your donations are crucial to achieving our township's balanced and sustainable future. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

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