Call for Creative Project Financial Support!

Call for Creative Project Financial Support!

From Ursula Duffy

To continue offering all of the free creative projects and resources I provide including: The Cosmic Connection weekly horoscopes, Becoming Chiron Podcast, Astro-Weather Checks, free/live readings and blog contributions.

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Greetings! My name is Ursula Duffy and I am very enthusiastic about my first creative project, donation-based crowdfunding endeavor! Professionally, I am an Astrologer, Certified Aromatherapist and Soulpreneur/Goddess of Operations (GOO) and co-owner/co-founder of Sea Goddess Healing Arts. I also founded my first business, Ursa Alchemy, which now operates fully under the umbrella of Sea Goddess Healing Arts. Personally, I am a wife, daughter, sister and friend, and have been in a deep chapter of self-discovery, trailblazing my own path, de-conditioning and facing my fears for many years. I was born and currently live in Atlantic City, New Jersey. If you already know me and my story, thank you for being here and if we’re meeting for the first time, welcome! I appreciate your time and consideration.

Here's a brief backstory and reasons why I’m crowdfunding; you can hear the extended version of this story in the first few episodes of my podcast here. I went through two very profound spiritual reawakening experiences, one in 2015 and the second in 2017. I consider these two experiences to be calls from the Universe and my Soul to come back home, and I answered both calls in very big ways. It’s been almost 10 years since the first one and in that time, I learned how to develop my intuition and communicate with spirit while also learning the healing arts of Aromatherapy and Astrology. I attended Aromahead Institute online to learn and achieve Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Specialist Certifications and an online, intensive 1-year apprenticeship program to achieve a Professional Astrologer Certification. Both courses of study were completed while simultaneously working full time. After undergraduate college, and for over 15 years I worked as a certified professional Geospatial Scientist for private and federal government organizations. As I was completing my Astrology apprenticeship, I began realizing that the corporate world and the work I was doing for my career were no longer fulfilling and in alignment with my true calling, purpose and passions, so I diligently began planning my own great resignation.

I founded Ursa Alchemy in early 2019, and began offering Astrology readings and Aromatherapy services in-person and online as a side business. I also worked extremely hard to pay off all of my outstanding debt and minimize my personal expenses by adhering to a strict budget. I saved every penny I earned through my work with Ursa Alchemy so I would have a financial cushion for the transition period that would follow my great resignation. I stuck it out and diligently committed to this plan for over two years until I knew in my heart that it was time to make the transition and put in my notice. During this time, I also became a co-owner and co-founder of Sea Goddess Healing Arts in early 2021.

My great resignation occurred in mid-2021, on Friday, August 13 (that was a cool synchronicity) and at the time of launching this crowdfunding endeavor, I have been gratefully doing my Soul’s work full time for almost 3 years. I was so burned out from working full time, going to school and doing the side business simultaneously, that the first year felt more line a recovery and assimilation period to a whole new way of life. Throughout this time, I have confronted so many fears and uncertainties, particularly around the safety and security of a steady paycheck, as well as putting myself and my work out into the world in new and various ways. Through my work in the healing arts, I feel I have shifted into my true calling to create and retrieve cosmic maps to help people navigate and discover their Soul's journey. It is always my intention to be of service and to assist and support others during their own personal transformation by guiding them to open their minds and hearts to the language of the plants, planets and spirit, and to live in touch with their Soul. This is the path and my purpose that were revealed to me through the spiritual reawakenings and through my own self-discovery and self-awareness journey since 2015. I know that my purpose is to be of service to humanity, in service to spirit and through my service work, heal and come home to myself and my authenticity. My creative projects and birthing these creations into the world are also big parts of my purpose. I feel that my creativity has finally come back online, which is a part of me that’s been extinguished since childhood. Every time I create something, am blessed to teach or read for someone, or give back to my community, I am lit up and feel like my Soul has been plugged into source. I can go into anything feeling badly and come out feeling totally refreshed and renewed, and that’s how I know it’s my true work and purpose! One of my favorite quotes is: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” -C.G. Jung. For the first time in my life, I LOVE my work, and every day for the last 3 years I’ve finally been able to be who I truly am. My Soul’s work is my full-time job. This wasn’t my reality before, and when I resigned from the corporate world, I vowed and promised myself that my Soul’s work would never be backburnered or be a side project again.

Planning for the unexpected is impossible, and since 2021 there have been MANY unexpected and unanticipated twists, turns and challenges. I’ve sacrificed a lot and have been maintaining a very barebones, necessity-based lifestyle ever since. It has been my goal and my dream that by staying devoted to my Soul’s work, an organic, natural transition to being fully supported financially by this work would be part of the process. That dream alone helped me take the leap of faith. At first, the income I was earning from readings, teaching, and my variety of services was enough to cover my expenses and support the time I devoted to my creative projects and community service that I’ve offered for free. It went as planned at first and I wasn’t dipping too much into my savings, but for the last year and half, especially in 2024, something has shifted, something that I cannot quite figure out. I know that the economy has had an impact. My readings, class bookings and overall sales have decreased. I’ve actually added more budget-friendly services and increased availability of coupons and discounts to assist people. Due to all of these unanticipated changes, simultaneous rising costs, and my financial cushion dwindling more quickly than anticipated, I am at a crossroads.

I can no longer continue to consistently offer the variety of creative resources that I currently produce without some form of financial support. I have been wishing and praying that something magical would happen before creative project crowdfunding or re-entering the workforce became options. The free resources and creative projects to which I’m referring are The Cosmic Connection weekly horoscopes that I write as a contributor for Shore Local Newsmagazine, my podcast Becoming Chiron: The Key to Unlocking Healing and Personal Alchemy now in its third year, bi-monthly Astro-Weather Checks (Astrology forecasts) and my participation in and curation of free offerings through Sea Goddess Healing Arts, such as our monthly Soul Broadcast newsletter. It has been my highest hope that all of the above creative offerings and resources would organically turn into sustainable income through readings, bookings, podcast subscriptions and residual kickbacks. I am in this strange gray area with the podcast, and do not yet have a large enough audience to monetize on the Spotify platform or on YouTube with ads or sponsorships. Each creation takes me at least 3-4 hours to complete (roughly 40+ hours/month), oftentimes more, and that’s in addition to my responsibilities managing our business operations. So, herein lies the crux of the crossroads and the reasons behind this call for financial support.

The last thing in the world I want to do is pull back or completely give up on any of my free creative offerings, resources or projects. The last thing in the world I want to do is re-enter the workforce in either a part time or full-time capacity that would take my time away from my creative projects, managing the business, my Soul’s work, my purpose and being of service. I honestly do not want to ever again backburner my Soul’s work. These are the reasons why I’ve started this crowdfunding endeavor. Asking for help, especially financial help, is a very vulnerable thing for me to do. Yet here I am, at this crossroads and having to make a choice between two very different paths.

I am humbly, with great humility and with the highest of hopes asking for donations and financial support for all of the time I invest into my creative projects, and for that funding to allow me to continue with my creative projects, Soul’s work and this path without disruption. I need help getting over this hump. My goal is $10,000 and it is my highest hope and dream to meet or exceed that goal.

If you enjoy and value my creative work and free offerings, if my work touches your heart and has helped you on your own journey, I am asking for energetic reciprocity in the form of financial support. If anything I’ve created over the last 5 years has impacted you, your life, offered guidance, inspired you and provided any form of support for you on your own journey, please consider supporting me now. I invest my ALL into every creation and feel that I’ve finally found my voice and begun to build an audience and community. Stopping or pulling back now would be heartbreaking for me. I’ve devoted so much, have personally grown so much, and finally have both feet in on this path. If we haven’t yet worked together and you are called and able to contribute to this endeavor, it would be a tremendous gesture and signal that my work is meaningful to you and has value. If we’ve already worked together, and/or still do work together, I am so grateful for you, for sharing your Soul and resources with me and the financial support you’ve already provided. Thank you! I’d be eternally grateful for your support of this endeavor as well. If you are unable to contribute financially at this time, I understand and am grateful for your consideration. There are still many ways to show support and reciprocate on all the platforms on which my work is available. In feeling through this situation, one solution I have considered is putting my work behind a paywall, but I don’t think that’s a fair solution, and would probably result in a decrease in the reach of my work.

This call for support is truly my last-ditch effort before stepping back on the traditional path, significantly decreasing or even discontinuing my creative work and re-entering the workforce.

In honor of the 3-year anniversary of my great resignation, my upcoming 44 birthday on October 6 and to help me stay fully, truthfully and authentically on my Soul’s path at this juncture, I am asking you to please make a generous donation to this endeavor and support me financially. There are tokens of my appreciation built into each giving level as gifts you will receive in exchange for your support, in addition to knowing you are helping me fully live my purpose and live in touch and in alignment with my Soul.

My podcast’s tagline is BE A MAVERICK! Your donation and financial support will help me continue to embody that tagline and continue to BE A MAVERICK.

With Humility, Love and Gratitude,


Contributions can also be made directly to me with PayPal:

Below are ways to learn more about me, my menu of offerings and links to my library of creative work. Book one of my available services, download a class and/or purchase items from my Sea Goddess Healing Arts Signature Aromatherapy Shop!

Astrology Reading Options

60-Minute Reading for $155 + tax

120-Minute (2 Sessions) $290 + tax

1 Question Email Reading $44 + tax

Solar Return Reading $155 + tax

Astrocartography: The Astrology of Where $155 + tax

In-Person Astrology Readings in Mays Landing, NJ

30-Minute Navigating Your Natal Chart Reading $44 + tax

Astrological Aromatherapy Signature Service (includes a 60-Minute Birth Day Sky Reading and an Aromatherapy Product based on your birth chart)

Astrological Aromatherapy Service $290 + tax


Aromatherapy Consult $80 + tax

Signature Aromatherapy Products Shop

Downloadable Class Library and Guided Meditations

Downloadable Classes

Guided Meditations

Custom Request and Bartering

I invite recommendations, suggestions and creativity!

Let's barter! (please email me to explore this option: [email protected])

Websites: Sea Goddess Healing Arts and Ursa Alchemy

Creative Offerings, Resources and Projects

Podcast: Becoming Chiron: The Key to Unlocking Healing and Personal Alchemy on Spotify

Horoscopes: The Cosmic Connection Weekly Horoscopes in Shore Local Newsmagazine

Blogs: Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Blog and Ursa Alchemy Blog

Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube

Podcasts Featuring Me as a Guest

Campaign Wall

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