Help send our grassroots activists to cover the RNC mtg again: your donations cover gas, lodging, and non-RNC food. :P
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Thanks to help from people like *YOU*, we have been able to consistently maintain a grassroots activist team at the RNC meetings to support our liberty RNC members, pull back the curtain on things that are [and ARE NOT] being done, and report back in real time in a venue that allows open discussion and communication.We need your help again to keep the momentum strong.Our activists are experienced with the RNC setting, the members, the media, and the rules debacle. They are attending these on their own time and monetary sacrifice-- we are NOT paid by any lobbying organizations to be there. The money you donate goes directly to gas so we can carpool to the meeting and secure fiscally conservative lodging. The meeting this time is in Tennessee. We encourage you to JOIN our event on facebook to see what we've done and what we're doing. on facebook: "Following Liberty at the RNC Spring Meeting"
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