Healing Places Counseling Center

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Healing Places Counseling Center

From Jennifer Drake

Healing Places Counseling Center is a non-profit counseling organization. We are raising money to support our current and future low-income clients, who are receiving mental health services.

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Dear Friends of Healing Places Counseling Center,

Last December, I was watching one of my favorite late night talk shows ceremoniously blow up a large scale '2020' in honor of the end of one of the most difficult years most of us can remember.  Then there was the commercial for the online dating app that had Ryan Reynolds as the devil getting matched with a woman named '2020'.  The word 'unprecedented' became so overused it went from causing concern to eliciting an eye roll. There was the hope that as 2020 moved on so would the stress and challenges we had all endured over the previous 12 months.  Well unfortunately, life is never that simple and though 2021 was different than its predecessor, many would say it has been equally challenging.  Pandemic fatigue, financial hardship, cultural and political stress, and a community wide sense of grief and loss have continued to weigh us down as we march toward the hope of yet another new year.

Everyone I know has experienced the stress of the last couple of years in one way or another and so have all of our clients.  We have journeyed with people who have lost their jobs, insurance, relationships, financial stability, and some have even lost loved ones. The grief is almost palpable, and because it is so universal, much of the support individuals would have received from friends and loved ones in the past, is more limited due to a decrease in individual capacity. At Healing Places Counseling Center, we have felt the grief too.  Jennifer and I are happy to be working together in our office after working from home and not seeing each other in person for over a year.  We continue to see clients virtually and now offer in-person sessions to individuals who are fully vaccinated.  We were fortunate enough to be able to maintain our office space through the entire time we home, hoping we would be back in our office at some point.  Through it all, we have committed to continue to see clients even if they lose their job or insurance and adjust fees as necessary to make it work for them.  Part of the reason we are able to do this is because of the generosity of people like you.  We recognize that this season has hit everyone and the need is great everywhere.  If supporting the needs of those who may be financially challenged but need mental health assistance is a cause you feel you would like to support, there are a number of ways you can help.

Send a check or money order made out to Healing Places Counseling Center to 621 Pacific Ave, Suite 102, Tacoma, WA 98402.

You can also go on-line to our Fundly page at fundly.com/fundraising-1111225. We also have a link on our Website Healingplacescounseling.com.

When you purchase from Amazon, go through Amazon Smile and support Healing Places counseling Center, Tacoma, WA.

**Healing Places Counseling Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Tax ID 68-0571550) so your donation is tax-deductible.

If you are not able to support us financially, we would appreciate your continued prayers for our organization and those it serves.

Jennifer and I want to thank you all on behalf of all our clients and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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