Fusionhead Jazz Club - HL2DM Server - Half-Life-2 Deathmatch Community Donations pay for monthly invoices for three servers: Game Server, Fast-Download Server, Stats Server.
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Your generous donations go towards paying for the cost of running the server. We donate our time for free so 100% of your donations (minus the fundly service fees and bank fees) go towards the server expenses.No donation is too small, any amount is very much appreciated. Thank you for keeping the server going!
The Fusionhead Leadership Group
Thank you!
* Note: Due to variables that are out of our control, we offer no guarantee that the server will remain up or available in the future. There is also no guarantee that you will not get banned for violation of the rules although this has never happened. Most people who care enough to donate, respect and support the server rules. Donations should be made by people who enjoy playing on the server and support and protect the rules and the culture.
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