Impact Garrett - Impact the Kingdom

Impact Garrett - Impact the Kingdom

From Garrett Bosworth

God has allowed me to attend the Fellows program at Impact360. I would love your support as I attend this life-changing preparation and experience. Your gift will partner with me to further impact the next generation.

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Let me tell you about an exciting opportunity that God has opened for me after graduation from Veteran’s High School in May.  God answered months of prayers when I got word that I had been accepted into the very competitive Fellows program at Impact 360 Institute beginning in August.  

What is the Impact 360 Fellows Program? (

Fellows is a nine-month gap year experience provided through Impact 360 Institute where I will continue to cultivate a deep faith rooted in a biblical worldview through experiential learning, dynamic teaching, leadership coaching, and missions training. I will take part in two domestic and one international mission trips. This experience will also provide me with 18 credit hours through Union University including courses in philosophy, spiritual formation, Bible study methods, intercultural studies, and principles of management.

Impact 360 Institute was born out of the vision of John and Trudy Cathy White to transform communities with the message of Jesus Christ by equipping young adults to become Christ-centered servant leaders. Located in Pine Mountain, Georgia, Impact 360 Institute has been inspiring and equipping the next generations of disciples to be change-agents in the world for almost 2 decades.

This opportunity for education, coaching, and hands-on missions experience is individually funded.

This generation is being bombarded by worldly role models, false teaching, and misplaced hope. It is my goal to go through the Fellows program to be equipped to teach, lead, and guide the next generation of disciples for Christ.

Impact 360 Institute will uniquely prepare me to enter my calling fully equipped for the attack on truth that is in our world today. God called me at a very young age, and I feel this experience is God’s next step for my calling and future.  I feel He is calling me to impact the next generation for the kingdom through teaching and ministering to children.  Children are our now, our future, and God’s plan for reaching others through the gospel. 

The Lord has called me to go through the Fellows program at Impact 360, and I would love your support as I embark on this life changing preparation and experience.  A generous grant from the Impact 360 Legacy Fund underwrites a portion of the cost of the program, but I still need to raise funds to offset the expense of this amazing opportunity. Will you prayerfully consider joining me in making this difference for the kingdom? 

Here is how you can help:

·       Pray. First and foremost, I ask for your prayers. Specifically, that you would join me in praying for God to give me wisdom to grow in my faith and prepare me for His calling on my life in ministry.

·       Give. Your gift will be an investment in further impact for the kingdom to the next generation. To help cover tuition and 3 mission trips (1 international), I need 60 people to give $100 to make it possible for me to have this life-changing experience. Whatever amount God prompts you to give is perfect.

·       Double your impact!  Due to a generous matching gift donation, every dollar that you give up to the first $2,000 will be matched dollar for dollar.  That means your $100 gift becomes $200!  What a blessing!

You can give either online through Venmo @Garrett-Impact, at, or by mail. Please follow God’s leading to give either a special one-time gift or by giving monthly for the next 3 months.  There is a card enclosed for you to specify how you want to give.

Thank you for partnering with me through your prayers and financial support as I seek to learn, grow, serve, and lead our future generations to a loving God and a redemptive Savior.

For His Kingdom,

Garrett Bosworth

P.S. I appreciate your investment- investing not just in me, but in the Kingdom of God.  I am better because you are side by side with me in my life and ministry.  Thank you! To God be the glory!

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