Gastelum Family Fire Fund

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Gastelum Family Fire Fund

From Michelle Young

Please help us raise funds for The Gastelum family house and car fire damage! ALL proceeds will go directly to Frank & Grace to cover all associated fire damage costs and to put a down payment on a new car.

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Please help in support of our good friends, The Gastelum family!

As many of you already know, last week their house in Murrieta was intentionally set on fire. Thankfully, the home is still inhabitable however, there are many costs associated with smoke damage, personal property, deep cleaning, couch cleaning, air purifiers, vents and so on.

Early Wednesday morning, the same guys came back and threw a molotov cocktail directly into their family SUV and completely destroyed it along with their granddaughter Alainas car seat and personal belongings.

There is so much mentally, emotionally and physically to process and truly, they need our support & prayers! So many of you have reached out asking how you can help and this is one step while they deal with the aftermath of two traumatic incidents in a row. 

ALL proceeds will go directly to Frank & Grace to cover all associated costs and to purchase a new car. Their insurance is only covering the value of the vehicle which will pay off their car loan. They will be starting at square one again with a new loan and no down payment in hand.

Let's be the hand and feet of Jesus and show the love of God to our friends in their time of need! Please contact me directly with any questions. 


Read Grace's Facebook post from Wednesday:

"After my last post, so many of you reached out with words of encouragement and prayers and our family is so blessed by each of you who did.

But, now we ask and covet your prayers all the more.

As many of you have seen, early Friday morning our home and family were victims of a person who intentionally set fire to our home.

Today, 5 days later, they returned. This time setting fire to our car.

The suspects are in custody and while I am thankful this is the case, the level of damage to our home and car now entail so much for our family to even begin to deal with as we try to process all that has happened.

The emotions are so much more than I can fully put into words. The anger that someone would do this to us, the level of invasion and violation to our home and safe place, the fear for our children's safety and wellbeing, the fear for my husband being able to return to work and securely leave our family at is all so much.

So again, we ask for and covet your prayers for our family during this time."

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