We're cooking a Gumbo under the bridge and helping Santa deliver 100 'care package' gifts for homeless folks in New Orleans this Christmas Eve!
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It's official: My wife, kids & I are gonna spend Christmas Eve with some dear friends that we've never met!
They're staying under the Pontchartrain Expressway - near the corner of Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. and Calliope (pronounced 'Cal ee ope') Street and they're a little short on hope this year.
Before you tell me it's their own fault, remember I don't care how they got there. The fact is: THEY'RE SLEEPING UNDER A BRIDGE on Christmas Eve.
So, we're gonna cook a big pot of Gumbo right there with 'em. We'll listen to Christmas songs, talk, drink hot chocolate, eat Gumbo and then [wait for it...] Santa is going to come with presents!!!
Okay, Santa is really my friend Jim Morgan (who sports a magnificient white beard all year long), but when he shows up in that red suit with a trunk full of gifts, wrapped up with bows, there will be tears... and they won't all be mine.
If the magic of Christmas has 'faded' a little for you too, then come along and see what Love looks like up close. There truly is nothing like it.
If you can't make it downtown on Christmas Eve there's still plenty YOU can do to help! We need presents, and lot's of 'em!
If you feel compelled:
Got a question or idea? Call Kevin at (985) 377-5990 cell
Merry Christmas!
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