Help A Friend Get Back on their Feet

Help A Friend Get Back on their Feet

From Yasmin Jordan

I am raising money for a dear friend of over 10 years to get back on their feet. They recently lost their housing, and this fund is to help them with urgent bills as they try to rebuild their life.

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*my friend*

I met my friend through social media in 2013 through a shared love of tattoos, pups, and colorful imagery. They used to work as a freelance photographer, and whenever they could, they always gave, shared, and amplified mutual aid and crowdfunding campaigns.

A few years before the COVID-19 pandemic, they experienced various forms of violence that left them disabled. As they were making their recovery, they caught COVID in spring 2021, where they developed long COVID. Between ongoing chronic pain/nerve pain and developed new conditions from Long-COVID, they are unable to work--for years, they were able to rely on generous donations. Because of the increasing hardship conditions impacting us all, donations became scarce where they could only cover housing expenses and not obtain necessary medical care.

*the ask*

Due to the violence they've experienced online and IRL as a disabled survivor, and living with long covid, they have asked me to help them raise urgent funds for their survival after recently losing their housing. 

This fund will go directly to them for their housing, food, medical needs, and any urgent expenses; this will help them back on their feet.

No amount is too small, every bit that is shared and given makes such a difference.

I want them to survive, live, be well, be happy, and be in a stable situation where they don't have to worry about where they will live next.

Thank you for reading. <3

Peace and gratitude,


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