Help Agustin Get to IOI in Hungary

Help Agustin Get to IOI in Hungary

From Brackets Club

Agustin is looking for a sponsor for his travel to the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

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More Info

Agustin is looking for support for his travel to the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). 

He has 20 years experience with programming competitions, and a few years ago started a Spanish language YouTube channel solely focused on programming competitions, with over 1400 subscribers, who are mainly STEM Students from Spain and Latin America:

Last year, he was elected for the International Scientific Committee at IOI, which this year is going to be in Hungary at the end of August.

As per the IOI regulations, the host covers all on-site costs of accommodation and meals, but not the plane ticket. That is why he is currently in search help to cover the cost of the plane ticket between Buenos Aires and Europe. 

About Agustin:

MS in Computer Science at Buenos Aires University. ICPC World Finalist and Latin American Champion twice as a contestant (2009 and 2011) and eight times finalist as a coach (2010,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2020 and 2023) being Latin American Champion in 2015 and 2020. Agustín has taught at the Computer Science Career in Buenos Aires University. Twice a contestant at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) attaining a Silver Medal in 2007. Google Codejam World Finalist, and also prepared problems for Google Code Jam as part of Google Extended Workforce. Lead of judging at the Argentine Olympiad in Informatics (OIA) and member of the International Scientific Committee of the IOI (2022-2025).

Thank you for your support in helping Agustin!

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over 1 year ago

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