Help Clarabelle Black Trans Woman With Laser Hair Removal

Help Clarabelle Black Trans Woman With Laser Hair Removal

From Clarabelle Catlin

Hi, I’m Clarabelle Catlin, raising funds for laser hair removal. Gender-affirming care boosts mental health and safety. Your support means the world. Please donate and share! Thank you for helping me feel my best

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Hey there, my name is Clarabelle Catlin. I'm raising funds for vital gender-affirming care, specifically for laser hair removal, and I would greatly appreciate any support you can provide. This is something I've always wanted to do but never had the resources for, and the timing never seemed right. Now, I'm ready and excited to embark on this journey.

Gender-affirming care is crucial for trans people as it significantly impacts mental health and self-esteem. It allows us to be seen as we truly are, fostering a sense of safety and confidence. For me, this care is a way to address my gender dysphoria and feel my best.

I'm hoping you can open your hearts and wallets to support a Black, trans, disabled person in getting the care she needs. Your generosity will help me feel more comfortable and affirmed in my identity. 

Please share this within your circles and networks. Every donation counts and brings me closer to achieving my goal. Your support means the world to me, and I'm immensely grateful for your help.

Thank you all for reading and standing by me. Much love to you all.


CASHAPP: $clarabellecatlin

VENMO: @hypnotizesnake

PAYPAL: clarabellesnake@gmail

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