Help me Become a Psychedelic Therapist

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Friends I need your help!

I've been given an incredible opportunity at an inopportune time. There's a training program I need to attend to help certify me as an MDMA- assisted psychotherapist but the catch is it's $7,000 ( Normally a training like this wold not warrant a Go Fund Me campaign, however, the training could not come at a more challenging time for me to invest such a large portion of money. I recently came off of maternity leave and am working very part-time while I care for my 4 month old baby. Being self-employed, I was not given any paid leave after having my baby and so I find myself at a loss for how to pay for this program that I am so passionate about.

You might be thinking, "What is Katie up to? Why psychedelics and therapy?" Well I'd love to explain because it is a very important topic in my world. 

Since beginning my training as a therapist in 2008 I have been interested in learning how to heal PTSD and understand trauma. I come from the belief that most people can relate to having trauma and this experience impacts people's lives in profound ways.  It has been my experience that combining medicine, specifically MDMA, with psychotherapy promotes rapid results in healing trauma. The organization I'm planning to study with, MAPS, is in the process of completing the third phase of clinical trials using this protocol to treat PTSD. It is expected that these results will prompt the FDA to change the schedule classification of MDMA to make it legal for anyone to receive the treatment from a trained clinician working in an expanded access site. 

As many of you know, I'm already part of an expanded access site. I work, in part, at a ketamine assisted psychotherapy clinic, offering altered states work to help clients with long-term depression and PTSD ( ).

Working with MDMA is my ultimate career goal and taking this training is the gateway to that opportunity.  So it is with much excitement and gratitude that I ask for your help. Thank you for your support helping me to realize this goal. Know that supporting me will allow me to help others in the best way I can imagine. No amount is too small. I view your donations as a way of saying, "I too feel inspired by MDMA assisted therapy," "I believe in you" and "Our current mental health paradigm is broken and we are in the midst of a revolution."

Thank you again,


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