Help Me With Giving Back to Communities Around the World!

Help Me With Giving Back to Communities Around the World!

From Kez W

I'm a world traveller attempting to do what less than 100 other females on the earth have done... travel to every UN recognised country on the planet! Moreover, I'll be giving back to communities along the way!

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Update #1

15 days ago

Today I visited a school where female students that normally wouldn't be able to attend school, (due to socioeconomic issues, or the banning of education for females of secondary age in Afghanistan).

I had a great time interacting with these bright and motivated students in the short time I was given to teach them.

More Info

Hi There! My name is Kez and I'm a budget, adventure traveller who is planning on travelling and giving back to communities around the world. Let me share my vision with you..

A Dream of Travelling the World and Giving Back to Communities in the Process 

From a young age, I was fascinated by different cultures and natural wonders around the world and as I got older, I decided that I wanted to visit every country in the world so that I could experience and see them all; but I wanted to do it a little bit differently.  

I'm doing it all by myself. No tours or fixers. And on a budget of $15 a day. I've gotten to 168 countries and regions this way and I'm looking to continue onto all 193 UN recognised countries by the end of the year.

Furthermore, I will volunteer my time and skills to participate in activities that help me form connections with people while giving back to communities along the way. 

Why is Giving Back to the Community Important?

As humans, I think we need to have humanity and help people along the way. At home, I always participate in events aimed at giving back to the community. 

I have volunteered for charity organisations such as Unison, (working towards equality), Oxfam (helping people in low socio-economic conditions) and Food Angel (feeding people in low socio-economic areas).

These are projects that are meaningful to me, while giving back to communities gives me a sense of purpose and something to be proud of.

For me, the benefits of volunteering and giving back to the community are incalculable. There's a certain sense of accomplishment that comes with being able to help others, even if it's just in a small way.

How I am Giving Back to Communities Right Now 

Most recently, some benefits of giving back to the community have been realised for me in Afghanistan. I have been visiting schools that are teaching students who otherwise would not have access to education. 

The students at these schools are keen, articulate and motivated to get an education. They are excited to be learning from a native speaker, which lead me to begin setting up a project, in conjunction with a 'secret learning centre' to continue helping these students and giving back to these communities after I leave the country. 

How I've Been Giving Back to Communities Around the World on My Journey

As a teacher, most of my volunteering is in the education field, but I do often take part in environmental protection activities like beach and hiking trail clean ups. My giving back projects look different in each place, but I always try to do something, no matter how small, to leave the place better than I found it.

Past projects have included volunteering for an NGO assisting low socioeconomic families living in the slums of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, marching in a rally for health issues in Kalchini, India as well as volunteering in schools and orphanages around Asia and Africa.

How Your Donation Will Help Me Give Back Around the World

The money donated to this campaign will go towards one year worth of travel expenses, so that I can concentrate on the benefits of volunteering and giving back to the community in every region I visit.  

I will regularly update my blog and social media channels along the way to keep you in the loop about how I'm volunteering and giving back to communities around the world. There may even be some adventures had along the way.

Final Note on My Volunteering Around the World Mission

I'm excited to continue giving back to local communities while I travel around the world. Living my passion for travel and giving back to communities is an extremely transformative and humbling experience. 

I would be forever grateful for any support from kind souls out there that see and believe in my vision for volunteering and giving back to communities around the world.

I can also offer you a copy of my bestselling travel guide, Wandering the World on a Shoestring as a thank you gift if you make a US$50 donation, or a 'Choose Kez's adventure' opportunity with a US$100  donation, to show my appreciation and give something back to you for your kindness. :o)

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Kez W posted a new update:
15 days ago

Update #1

Today I visited a school where female students that normally wouldn't be able to attend school, (due to socioeconomic issues, or the banning of education for females of secondary age in Afghanistan).

I had a great time interacting with these bright and motivated students in the short time I was given to teach them.

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