We are fundraising money to assist to help cover Molly's medical bills. Molly is our 2 year old German Shepherd. Running outside dashing across the street she unexpectedly got hit by a van.
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We are fundraising money to assist to help cover Molly's medical bills. Molly is our 2 year old german shepherd. Running outside dashing across the street she unexpectedly got hit by a van that kept going, she fell to the ground and broke her back leg. She will need to undergo a 2 surgeries, receiving pins and plates to stabilize the fracture and ensure proper healing. Im just worried that when they put a rod in her leg that it will effect her growth. I do not have money to do a second surgery after she gets the rod put in now.
It is heartbreaking as a dog owner to watch. Any and all support is welcome. With love Thank you!
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