Identity Pending: A SCAD Senior Documentary

Identity Pending: A SCAD Senior Documentary

From Fiona Becker

"Identity Pending" is a documentary depicting the relationship between religion and gender identity.

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Update #9

about 8 years ago

Hello all! I know it's been awhile since posting, but the entire cast and crew has been very busy with changes, festival submissions, and moving! We wanted to reach out and say how incredibly grateful we've been through this whole project, and we can only hope to see everyone who was a part of it continue to grow and do good in the world. For those who donated, check your emails! Anyone who donated over $100 should be receiving DVD's in about a month.

More Info

Our aim is to give voice to those who may stand beyond "stereotypical religious norms".

This concept came to me after the death of Leelah Alcorn, a young transgender girl who committed suicide due to the supposed pressures of her highly religious family. It is because of these events that I realized being both transgender and religious do not often go hand-in-hand, in fact, I could only think of only a small handful people I knew who where members of the LGBT community that considered themselves even moderately religious. I wanted to research further and show that it is possible to be loved and accepted in a religious community, no matter how you may identify. Through this project, we all hope to portray a well-rounded view acceptance, love, understanding, and religion all co-existing together. 

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
about 8 years ago

Update #9

Hello all! I know it's been awhile since posting, but the entire cast and crew has been very busy with changes, festival submissions, and moving! We wanted to reach out and say how incredibly grateful we've been through this whole project, and we can only hope to see everyone who was a part of it continue to grow and do good in the world. For those who donated, check your emails! Anyone who donated over $100 should be receiving DVD's in about a month.

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #8

The quarter is coming to a close, and we're very excited to see "Identity Pending" premier very soon! As we near the holidays, keep a watch on those email inboxes! We may be messaging those of who who donated in order to send your thank-you's if we're missing information, and be sure to check your mailboxes this December! Happy Holidays, and stay tuned for our final completion update!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #7

Hey all! I know we haven't posted recently, but that's because we've been so busy beginning our editing process. We haven't forgotten about you! As of now, our campaign has officially ended and we will begin putting together incentives for those of you who have donated. Those should be going out once the project has been finalized around Thanksgiving! I know it's a long process, so thank you all for bearing with us and for the continued support!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #6

We've reached (and exceeded!) our fundraising goal! Wow!!! I'm so moved by all the love and support we've received over the past few months. On top of that, this weekend's shoot went incredibly well, and we're so happy to be wrapping up production in the next few weeks! Thank you everyone! Stay tuned- there's more to come!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #5

Our first day of shooting went well! Thanks for everyone's help so far, your kind donations have already done so much. Stay tuned for further updates!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #4

Due to an unforeseen circumstance, we've had to increase our budget by $350. We need your help now more than ever! Please, if you haven't donated yet, please consider doing so. We want to create the best film possible, which will be much more achievable if we reach our goal! Share this campaign like wildfire! Filming begins in two weeks!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #3

We've now reached over 50% of our goal! Thanks for all the continued interest and support of our project. I encourage those who still have yet to donate to do so… even $5 makes a difference! With just under a month before shooting beings, please continue to share and spread the word!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #2

Wow, everyone! Thank you all so much for such a positive response! We are officially into week two of the campaign, and we need to kick it up a notch! I encourage you to share this page with your friends and family. We're scheduled to begin filming in a month!

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Fiona Becker posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #1

Our Fundly page is live! Please take a look and consider donating… we have a very achievable goal, but only with your help!

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