Identity Wrestling and Restoration

Identity Wrestling and Restoration

From Susan Belitsky

Activities of a theological, trauma-informed, adventure-based examination of Jewish Identity. This is a critical time for our Jewish-Israeli identity & looking at it from a 5,000-year perspective just might save us.

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An Intellectual, Physical, Anthropological, Sociological, Psychological, Theological Trauma-informed, Rational, Logical, Emotional, intergenerational, Geological, Geographical, Geopolitical, Philosophical, Land Based, Nature Based, Adventure Based Body-Centered Expedition into Jewish Identity and Reclaiming our Cultural Democratic Humanistic Heritage.

I feel deeply concerned about the massive shaking chasm in the Israel secular-religious split and with those in the greater diaspora struggling to relate to Israel and their heritage in the face of severe world threat to our cultural identity. We must influence the discourse towards some greater current of unity and thoughtfulness.

I believe that we must engage in sincere introspection and truthful soulful searching if we are to make something of this crisis.  To affect change in our national identity we have to help people know how to reclaim their lost and exiled parts ~their personal empathy, their curiosity, and their very own truths. This requires knowing thy self. Serious and truthful inquiry into self requires skills.

This requires identifying and challenging their limiting beliefs, the life experiences that narrowed them; and the sacrifices they made to survive.  Honoring this and allowing for change. 

We have the unique opportunity in Isreal to literally see where faith meets history; history meets archeology; and archeology meets modern life. Within this context, we have a mindboggling opportunity to travel to places that will move and stir thousands of years of intergenerational influences within us... possibly allowing a much deeper, flexible knowing of identity.

Prolonged stress puts us in a much more passive state where the old stories are automatically running the show and the reflective stories are silenced. When we stop actively cultivating our awareness and succumb to the freeze of our scared bodies we live outside of our body’s heritage and wisdom and our stories and our narratives become stuck as well.

Activities that put us back into our bodies allow for movement, return us to self and restore flexibility and conscious presence. Then conscious choice returns, the social engagement system comes back and empathy and kindness for one’s self is activated and then extending to the other is possible.

Herein lies the opportunity for programming and touring, especially when you are a life-earned  Recreational Therapist, Clinical Social Worker, and licensed Israel Tour Guide in the most fascinating and complicated place on earth.  This combination is utterly enthralling and sets my life's work ablaze. 

Life stresses and Traumas big and small:

1.      Push people to more polarities and extremes in beliefs

2.    Dysregulate the nervous system and lower our frequency

3.    Narrow focus

4.    Create rigidity

5.    Disconnect us of from self, body, place and others

6.    Distort our perceptions of risk and safety

7.    Creating dissonance of identity of mind, body and coregulation with others

8.    Leading to rejection and dis-ease and anxiety, internalized depression, alienation, externalized violence and aggression and war.


 Activities that

1.    Explore balance

2.    Help us coregulate with others and nature

3.    Expand focus with literal movement of the body

4.    Encourage flexibility of mind body and spirit

5.    Reconnect us to self, body, place and others

6.    Will retrain us to more accurately assess risk and safety

7.    Allowing for better decisions moving us to resonance with self and other

8.    Leading to acceptance, ease, calm, inner knowing, connection, compassion and hopefully peace with identity, home and others…

And will be healing.

I have searched long and wide these years in Israel and have gathered a brilliance of partners for these travels so inspiring I wish for all of you to join us for any moment you possibly can in this fascinating muliperspective discourse, discovery, and renewal of our cultural and necessary heritage. Travel with us to sites all around the country and probe into the philosophy, theology and psychology of your being as it has come to be right here and right now, and watch it shift and shift and shift as the tides and tectonic places make this place unmatchably rich for change.  I hope to influence the discourse between secular/chilony and religious Jews within Israel and the international dialogue with all of you invited to come and learn who we are and why are in the most intriguing evolution of identity and place.

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