In Memory of Mitch

In Memory of Mitch

From Emma Hanson

We are asking that if you are financially able to please consider donating to help absorb some of Mitch's debts that were left behind. Funds will go directly towards all of his end of life expenses.

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Many of you have been asking for updates about a memorial for Mitch, and we can’t say thank you enough for reaching out. It has been very apparent how much of an impact Mitch had on so many of you, and how much of a ripple effect his sudden passing has caused. To say that our world is at a loss without his kind and gentle presence would be an understatement. We all knew him in different ways, but the commonality we all have is that Mitch was loved with the biggest love by so many people.  

Unbeknownst to us, this past year Mitch was battling stage 4 giant cell cancer (?). This was his 6th battle with this type of cancer, but this time the tumor metastasized to his lungs and took a quick toll on his body. Mitch spent months in and out of the hospital before and after his diagnosis for complications with breathing that were associated with the tumor. As can be imagined, that severely impacted Mitch’s life, as he was unable to work consistently in the past year of his life. He was also living the life of many of us in the service industry: without healthcare. 

 There will be a celebration of Mitch’s life on Monday, July 29, from 6-10 pm at Imperial Oak Brewing (Willow Springs). MITCH MONDAY. Let’s all gather together and see him off in a way that he deserves: debt free at a big ass party. If you can’t donate, please still come to celebrate Mitch and make a new connection with someone who was lucky enough to have known him. 

“When someone cooks for you, they are saying something. They are telling you about themselves: where they come from, who they are, what makes them happy.” —Anthony Bourdain 

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