It All Starts With Food...

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It All Starts With Food...

From Nowshin Sanzida

Wondering how you may aid urban, underserved populations that are especially vulnerable during this pandemic? This fundraiser addresses food instability in MA and CT. Any contribution can go a long way! Please donate!

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We are currently in the middle of a global pandemic. During these trying times, our hospital staff have stepped up to the frontlines and we are extremely grateful for them. However, there are also other amazing people who are working behind the scenes to lessen the spread of the virus and help those in need. The organizations we are choosing to support are food banks and this is because they help serve the most vulnerable members of the community. 

The CDC and WHO have publicized the importance of health risk-factors but socioeconomic influences are often overlooked. Many people do not realize that food-insecure households are more susceptible to the virus both medically and financially. These households are unable to acquire the proper nutrition to keep their immune systems healthy. Furthermore, over twenty-six million people have lost their jobs and are unable to secure proper access to food at this time. Now more than ever, food banks need our help to fulfill their missions. We hope by supporting our local organizations, like Food for Free in Massachusetts and Connecticut Food Bank, that we can lower the burden on people in the US who live paycheck to paycheck. 

**Proceeds will be split 50/50 amongst the two organizations**

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