Justice for Elijah

Justice for Elijah

From Elijah Skolfield

Urgently need to raise $5,000 for legal fees. I was assaulted and wrongly arrested, now facing serious charges. Help me hire a lawyer to fight for justice. I can repay in full within 90 days. Your support is crucial.

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More Info

Dear Friends, Family, and Kind Strangers, I am reaching out with an urgent plea for assistance. I am in dire need of financial support to cover legal expenses of at least $5,000. Any contribution, no matter the size, would be immensely appreciated. Of course, larger amounts would help significantly. The bigger, the better. I will repay every penny in full by October, as I will receive a lump sum in 90 days.

My Situation:

I was assaulted at knifepoint by a pizzeria shift leader and his employee. Shockingly, the police arrested me instead of the assailants. I am now facing serious charges that could have severe, lifelong consequences. I urgently need a lawyer, and the cost for legal representation ranges from $5,000 to $6,500.

The Charges:

I am charged with two misdemeanors: PC 484 (theft) and PC 242 (assault and battery). These charges could devastate my life, career, and future. My clients often conduct background checks, and I work with vulnerable individuals, including seniors, the disabled, and families with children. Additionally, the DA’s office might file a 211 robbery charge (theft with force or threat), a felony that would further restrict my access to jobs, housing, voting, and more, including the right to carry the razor blade I use every day at work.

A Bit About Me:

I am 31 years old and have never been in trouble or arrested before. Now, I am facing possible felony charges for an incident where I was the victim. This is a critical moment, and I need your help to ensure I can fight these charges and protect my future.

How You Can Help:

If you can support me in any way, please know that your assistance is vital. I promise to repay you in full by October. Your help in this critical situation would mean the world to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and consider supporting me during this challenging time.

With gratitude, Elijah

More About Me: 

I was a food service manager in the same area as the pizzeria. I worked late night for years, protecting students from sexual harassment, hate, theft, assault, and more, and helped those injured or sick. During my time there, multiple shootings occurred on the same block, including at least one while I was working. A man with an axe, a knife and a can of WD-40 set someone on fire at the tea shop right next door. I dealt with individuals in mental health crises in my restaurant. One guy even threatened to shoot up the place with what looked just like a real gun. The cops said I may have saved his life by calling them - they might have killed him if he pulled the same airsoft on them. I say this to emphasize my dedication to serving the same community where the pizzeria is located. I spent years in the trenches protecting young students and others from violent threats like this pizza man. He’s not a servant to the community, he’s a threat. He’s a predator. He threatened me with a large knife over verde sauce - outrageous and terrifying. The pizzeria is located two blocks from a high school and a university. I called the cops not only for my safety but to protect the children and adults who frequent his pizzeria every day. 

Incident Details:

It was a regular day. I visited a pizzeria near my home. I was behaving normally and was sober. I was not suspicious or out of order in any way. While I got sauce, the shift leader started yelling "Customers only!" I explained I was about to buy a slice, but he forcibly took one of my belongings and ran to the kitchen. When I followed, one or more employees pushed me. The manager then grabbed a footlong knife and started stabbing at me like the famous scene from Psycho, repeatedly asking, “You want a problem with me?” He put down the knife a few times and grabbed at my face, attempting to remove my N95 mask and sunglasses.

I called the police for help. Despite initially agreeing that the shift leader committed a crime, they arrested me after speaking with the staff, claiming I pushed an employee. Again, I was the victim. I was on my way to pick up my mom from the airport. Instead, she was stranded and I spent a scary night in jail. The lady in a nearby cell was screaming for hours and getting tased. They took my long sleeve, it was cold, and the blanket gave me rash.

Your help is crucial. Please consider supporting me in this urgent matter. Thank you.

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