KFFL Chicago - 50,000 Books, Changing 50,000 Lives

KFFL Chicago - 50,000 Books, Changing 50,000 Lives

From KFFL Chicago

KPMG’s Family for Literacy is teaming up with the Chicago Public Library to provide new books to more than 50,000 young readers, ages 0-5 years old.

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The Chicago Public Library Rahm’s Readers Summer Learning Challenge + KPMG’s Family for Literacy Team Up!

KPMG’s Family for Literacy is teaming up with the Chicago Public Library to provide new books to more than 50,000 young readers, ages 0-5 years old, enrolled in the Rahm’s Readers Summer Learning Challenge. These books will be donated beginning at the City of Chicago’s Second Annual Summer Learning Kick-off on June 20, 2016 and subsequently through the library’s network of 80 branch libraries.

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