KFFL Washington Metro Area: Building Readers in to Leaders

KFFL Washington Metro Area: Building Readers in to Leaders

From KFFL Washington Metro Area

KFFL needs your support to build the next generation of leaders. How do we do this? The answer is simple, books! We build readers in to leaders by supplying books to students from low-income families.

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KPMG’s Family for Literacy (KFFL) needs your support to build the next generation of leaders. KFFL builds confidence in students by providing children from low-income families with new books, and in some cases – their very first book.  KFFL partners with Washington Metro Area Title 1 schools to give books to students that they can keep and take home with them.

Our goal this school year is to get over 20,000 new books in the hands of children in our area.

Thank you for supporting childhood literacy! 

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