After the devastating Eaton Fire, the community of Altadena is in danger of for-profit land grabs, with developers already making offers to buy land. We want to SAVE and REBUILD our town, and help others stay, too.
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Our first batch of yard signs is on their way and should be available for pick up on Thursday, Jan. 23, 6pm in Pasadena (500 E. Colorado) at the #AltadenaStrong community event ( We will also be coordinating delivery this weekend!
Make sure your neighbors and friends order a sign, too!
For your future printing needs, please support local printer Cantu Graphics on Mission in South Pasadena. Thank you.
Since the devastating Eaton Fire that has wiped out most of Altadena, residents have been bombarded with calls and offers from predatory investors who hope to convince the property owner to sell. Residents that are under or non-insured are the most vulnerable. Even though Governor Newsom's mandate that low ball or unsolicited offers for the next few months would be a misdemeanor, that's not enough! Let's show developers and the community at large that we're not going anywhere and that Altadena is NOT for Sale!
Our first batch of yard signs is on their way and should be available for pick up on Thursday, Jan. 23, 6pm in Pasadena (500 E. Colorado) at the #AltadenaStrong community event ( We will also be coordinating delivery this weekend!
Make sure your neighbors and friends order a sign, too!
For your future printing needs, please support local printer Cantu Graphics on Mission in South Pasadena. Thank you.
Sign in with your Facebook account or email.
Jan 21