XXXLegal Fees for "March Against Sharia" Arrestees

XXXLegal Fees for "March Against Sharia" Arrestees

From Denver ABC

On June 10th ACT for America, an anti-muslim hate group held a "March Against Sharia" rally to foster bigotry against Muslims. 4 individuals were arrested during the counter demo and are fighting trumped up charges

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We will continue to update our goal as more detailed legal expenses come in for all 4 defendants. Currently we are raising the following

1st defendant

  • $1000 initial lawyer fees needed by this Thursday 6/15
  • $1500 remaining lawyer fees.
  • $500 for tshirt printing, patch printing, & mailing supplies/postage
  • $250 Fundly fees

(This fundraiser was originally started to raise money for bonds, however they were granted PR bonds so we reached out to all original donors to confirm they were okay with transferring the donations to legal expenses instead)


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