Margarita Armas Ballet Fundraising

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Update #2

about 9 years ago

Dear friends and family! Please help us raise money to send Margarita to Ballet Summer Intensive 2016 in New York or Pennsylvania. Thank you

More Info

Margarita Armas was born and raised in the beautiful city of Miami, Florida.  She is currently studying classical Ballet and Jazz at the prestigious Miami City Ballet School (MCBS).  At the age of 5 she began taking dance classes as a hobby; however, now it has turned out to be her passion and her dream is one day to become a professional ballerina with Miami City Ballet. 

Her current goal is to attend a ballet program during the summer and also compete in Dance Competition in the future.

We would like to ask for your help in making this dream a reality by allowing her to represent our community at this program.  We are looking to raise $7,000.00 which includes travel expenses, and every amount brings me closer to my goal.  We am asking for your monetary donation to aid in enabling her to achieve her goal.  We appreciate any consideration you can provide to her endeavor.  Your support means a great deal to her and her family.

Thank you and we look forward to share her experience this summer at CPYB and competition.


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Natazha Armas posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Mobile update

Dear friends and family! Please help us raise money to send Margarita to Ballet Summer Intensive 2016 in New York or Pennsylvania. Thank you

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Natazha Armas posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #1

This 2013 campaign was a big success thanks to my family and friends! Thank you from the bottom of our heart. We are starting a new fund raiser for next years summer intensive. Please share our efforts with your friend too.

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