Memorial Fund for Dr. Min's Family

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Memorial Fund for Dr. Min's Family

From Melanie Gerard

We are raising money to support the family of our colleague, friend and beloved veterinarian, Dr. Susan Min. We are hoping to raise money to help her daughter, Tiffany, with school and college expenses.

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In memory of Dr. Susan Min and in an effort to support her daughter and husband as they face a new chapter of life.  Several of our clients, Susan's friends, former colleagues, and professional acquaintances have asked if they can donate money in Susan's memory.  After  much contemplation and based on our conversations with Susan in her final days, we agreed that the best way to direct any funds raised would be to provide financial support for her daughter as she prepares for her secondary schooling and for college.  Tiffany's well-being and education were Susan's main concern as she struggled through her final days.   When the campaign is over on February 1, 2022, we will present a check to the family to start a 529 account.   Tiffany's father will be the steward of this money.  We are using as a forum for transparency for all who wish to donate.  If you have any questions, please call Bellevue Animal Hospital at 425.454.1246 and ask to speak with Melanie or Don Gerard.

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