Please help our team of elementary school students make the trip to the U.S. Open Robotics Championship and the VEX Robotics World Championship!
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Our hardest challenge yet: getting everyone there! The U.S. Open is a 2 day event and VEX World Championship is a 3 day event. We are requesting just enough help to get our elementary school team to the championships.
Donations over $250 are tax deductible. Mandarin Immersion Magnet School PTO is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please make sure to include your contact information and address to receive a receipt and so we can thank you properly!
Thank you for supporting our first GIANT LEAP on our STEM journey!
Registration Fees:
Travel costs for U.S. Open (5 families):
Travel costs for VEX Worlds (5 families):
Marketing for school and club (we don't want an empty booth!):
Any additional funds raised will be used by the club for replacement robotics parts and future competition fees and materials.
Sign in with your Facebook account or email.