Missions Trip

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Update #1

over 1 year ago

All the funds raised have been donated to sponsor a local participant in the project and help cover the cost of the materials such as the bibles. Thanks for supporting!

More Info

Hello! My name is Alex and recently I was accepted to serve on a missions trip to Greece with a project called Operation Joshua. Last summer, I had the opportunity to go to Greece and serve at a youth camp with an organization called Hellenic Ministries. It was mostly a spontaneous decision offered by a friend, decided in all of about three days, where I found a free week in my schedule to pack my bags and help out. Even though I didn't know or where I was going or what I was doing, I found myself surrounded by passionate team of believers assembled from all parts of the world whose primary goal was to share the Gospel and pour into the youth of Greece. It was also at this time that I learned about a project called Operation Joshua, a bible distribution project spanning over a decade and half with the ultimate goal of providing every household in Greece with a NT copy. This operation has involved over 4,000 participants from all parts of the world who have physically gone and delivered these bibles by hand, now numbering over a million distributed copies. This goal inspired to join the project and I would tremendously appreciate if you would be able to support me in this mission. I may not know any Greek yet, but I believe actions can speak just as loudly. ευχαριστώ!

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" 

-Romans 10:14

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Alex Awtrey posted a new update:
over 1 year ago

Update #1

All the funds raised have been donated to sponsor a local participant in the project and help cover the cost of the materials such as the bibles. Thanks for supporting!

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