Please help! I'm scared and I do not know what to do.

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Please help! I'm scared and I do not know what to do.

From Anita Mann

Hello Raising money for a place to live and to fix my automobile. Please I beg of you anything helps. And I will be forever grateful

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Hello I am a 41-year-old female who has been taking care of my grandmother who has dementia for the last 3 years. The last few months the dementia has deteriorated my grandma immensely and I had to make the very hard decision to put her in a nursing home as she became very mean and and I was worried about her safety when I went to work each day. With that being said there was only a few openings at the nursing home and Grandma needed to be put in there immediately or she would lose a spot therefore it made me have a hard time with no notice of another place to live. Now after moving my grandmother My health deteriorated and I started to not feel very good and ended up in the emergency room and something's not quite right with my heart I've got stage 2 hypertension and none of the medications prescribed have been helping with that the doctor's a very concerned and I go in for testing at the Heart Institute next week. As I was in the hospital several times with my heart problems and not feeling well I was fired from my job. I'm still looking for a place to move The biggest problem is I don't have the deposit and 1st and last month's rent as this was kind of unforeseen circumstances. So along with the heart, losing my job, and the rent then my car decided to have issues. Now I'm stuck without a car until I can get it fixed, and I can't go to any job interviews without a vehicle, I'm just in a really hard spot. I beg of anybody that willing to help anything helps at this point I'm just really scared and don't know what to do. I will be forever grateful for all of you who help, please,thank you!

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