Help us rebuild our homestead ranch after it was destroyed

Help us rebuild our homestead ranch after it was destroyed

From Stephanie Urtado-DeLand

Help us rebuild our family homestead ranch after raging fires in New Mexico burned it down.

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Marcial & Roselle Dumlao commented with a $500 donation:
over 2 years ago
Shalom Joe and Ms. Stephanie. Sorry to hear about the ranch, hoped to give our donation at Thursday dinner; understand plans change.
Ronda Pettit commented with a $75 donation:
over 2 years ago
God Bless You as you rebuild.❤️
Lisa DeLand VanBuren commented with a $100 donation:
over 2 years ago
So sorry this happened to you guys!!! Hoping you can raise the money you need ASAP! Sending love and warm hugs! ♥️
Sandra Curtis commented with a $200 donation:
over 2 years ago
Praying for you! I do care.
Bob De Land commented with a $1,000 donation:
over 2 years ago
Mark 11:23,24,25
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation:
over 2 years ago
We are so sorry for your loss of the ranch. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kyle Zablocki commented with a $25 donation:
over 2 years ago
Love you