We value and are dedicated to supporting life through all stages with our material assistance program, counseling, and referrals. Join The Bridge to Life in honoring #RespectLifeMonth this October!
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The Bridge to Life receives clients whether it is for a pregnancy test, resources for social services, to join our material assistance program, or for counseling. We help pregnant women and families in need; we let them know that they are not alone. In some cases, we receive crisis calls. The following story is based on a real-life crisis call. To protect the client’s identity, we will name her “Jane” and to protect the case worker’s identity, we will name her “Lucy”.
Lucy found Jane wandering the streets of Queens, crying, with her twin newborn preemies who were both ill. Jane had been informed that morning that she was being relocated to another shelter and was told to go to the Bronx without any further instructions. Jane does not speak English. She has a relative in New York however, they are estranged. The rest of her family members are out of the country. The father of the twins refuses to acknowledge them and told Jane that the government would help. Lucy called The Bridge to Life hoping we knew what to do. Our staff received the call and instantly got to work. We provided Lucy with the information Jane needed about emergency housing, a referral packet to join our material assistance program, and an appointment for counseling and support. Lucy helped Jane with a MetroCard and with written directions on how to get to the center.
It is stories like Jane’s that encourage us to continue supporting our mothers through these tough situations. We also rely on people like Lucy who understand the need for what we do and are willing to partner with us to continue being a lifeline to those who need us most. Will you join us like Lucy did and serve those in need?
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