Sam is 9. He is riding his bike 15 miles on October 5th to raise money for his school's scholarship fund. The school that saved his spirit. The Antioch School.
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Sam riding with his Dad the first year he got to the Antioch School. The almost daily calls, emails and in-person reporting from Sam's other school on his "behavior" problems stopped, as did Sam's chewing his shirts into oblivion every day. Sam also stopped "hating" school and faking illness, and fighting in attempts to stay home in the mornings. He was 6. He brightened. His joy was back. He healed. We are blessed to not only have The Antioch School as an option for having Sam educated, but having it close to home and affording its tuition. The scholarship fund makes it possible for all children who may have similar experiences elsewhere to "heal." Sam would like to help. Thank you for helping him!
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If you'd still like to help him help his school, donate here! . Thank you!
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