Save The Pinhook! Since Forever!

Save The Pinhook! Since Forever!

From Kym Register

Damn the man - SAVE THE PINHOOK! The Pinhook needs $80,000 to keep its doors open. Please read our story below and help us if you can.

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Update #4

over 8 years ago



It's overwhelming to look at all of the supporters here and all the folks who have been at our shows and think about what a rad community we have. We'll be saying thank you forever, but for now, a few updates.

Because of generous offline donations and ticket sales from our first 3 shows, we have been able to lower our goal to just $51k.

Now, let's do some math.
You take the over $41k raised here on fundly
Plus the ticket's we've already sold for tonight's show ($6k).
AND...That leaves just $4k left to meet our total goal of $80k to SAVE THE PINHOOK!

We've got 3 days. We've got this!

We are so grateful to all of you who have supported us and continue to in all ways! We're so close... so if you feel inspired keep the party rolling in any of the following ways.

Share our fundly link on social media.
Post a picture of your favorite moment at the Pinhook online.
Tell your friends to buy tickets for our final show (only 20 left!)
Buy a raffle ticket this weekend at the Pinhook (I mean, MOOG FEST / HOPSCOTCH / ART OF COOL / SHAKORI PASSES?)
Spread the word in the best way you know how.

We'll be updating you in the coming days as we close in and talk more about how we can all celebrate this incredible show of support.

We feel the love y'all. Big time. See you forever.

Team Pinhook

More Info

In 2008 The Pinhook was born out of the void left by the closing of Bull City Headquarters, and from the lessons learned from that project. At that time, Bull City Headquarters was the only DIY, all ages, multi-use public space in Durham. Those of us who poured our hearts and time into that project did not want to see that energy evaporate. Alongside two other co-founders, I opened the Pinhook on West Main Street with the vision of running a bar, music venue, and open space that was economically sustainable and available to host events and fundraisers based on our community's vision and needs.  Between the three original founders and owners, we divvied up the numerous responsibilities of running a venue, event space and bar based on what we were already good at and wanted to focus on. One person ran the promotional aspect and another was in charge of our bookkeeping, while I focused on the booking of events and shows. We were all novices and learning as we went along, eager to prove we could start up a downtown space as young folks with no business degrees or investors. Eventually, I took over the job of promotions after one of the original owners left.  After five years another co-owner left to pursue other interests and I bought the business outright in 2012. Today, I am the only original founder and owner of the Pinhook, though it is home to a number of staff members and collaborators who have been around since the beginning.

As someone who has been part of a queer music community for over ten years here in Durham, I’ve tried to make music and run a business to the best of my ability.  It has also been vital for us to remain a part of downtown while retaining our identity and integrity as a queer owned space.  I am a twenty percent owner of the building we occupy, which came to fruition through angel investors who really believed in what we are doing.  I was hoping this purchase would secure our existence in downtown for the next ten years, but then we found out about this overwhelming tax debt.  

A few months ago I received an email from a former owner who was responsible for the accounting at The Pinhook for the first five years of operation. They informed me that they miscalculated our finances over those years and had never paid sales tax.  Ever.  I was floored to learn that  as a result we owe $80,000 in back taxes. When I purchased the business from the last co-owner three years ago, I did so under the assumption that everything was running smoothly.  Having no idea about this massive oversight in bookkeeping, I purchased The Pinhook with a debt that was around three-quarters of the purchasing price, which I will be paying off for the next seven years.

But in the last three years since purchasing the Pinhook, this space has become home to even more musicians, crafts people, artists, and activists that remain dedicated to expanding the possibilities of what a modest venue and open event space can look like. We have had little turnover in our staff —with some of our sound tech, door people, and bartenders having worked here upwards of six years. With the closing of venues like BCHQ and The Casbah, the Pinhook remains the only medium sized cap room for local and national performers in Durham. We also recognize the importance of allocating funds to artists.  Our house costs are as low as we can possibly make them, and we give performers 100% of the door after our expenses. Our bartenders and staff work for modest wages, and all have to hold down other jobs in order to sustain working here,, though all of us envision a day when we are successful enough to pay everyone a living wage.  We hope that day comes soon.  

In just one week at the Pinhook you can experience: a free Open Mic showcase featuring Durham hip hop and R&B artists; a trivia night that has been going strong for six years; the monthly ILLEGAL dance party that continues to provide a platform for young DJs and designers to perform with internationally recognized artists; shows from touring artists across the music spectrum who identify with the values this club upholds; monthly movie screenings; and a wide scope of benefits and fundraisers, such as the annual Girls Rock NC camper showcases, the speaking tour by recently freed political prisoner and former Black Panther Party leader Eddie Conway, and legal fund benefits for activists in our state. The Pinhook also often converts into an open workshop or meeting space in our downtime before shows or on days where no events are planned.  So holler. :)

We were thrilled to start a business in 2008 because we were passionate about music, queer spaces, and our community. Due to accounting and clerical errors made by our professional accountant and our bookkeeper, The Pinhook now owes upwards of $80,000. The state demands that we pay this sum back in one year, which is impossible for us. At this point, the only way to stay open is to turn around and ask our community for help.  

This is where you come in. Downtown Durham is changing fast, and while we hate that we are now considered one of the “older” businesses downtown—knowing how much has come before us—we want to be a part of the spaces and people in Durham that still want control over how this place transforms and what it looks like in ten years. If you want the Pinhook to remain a staple downtown, if you want to still have access to an events space that’s open for all ages and can host free events, if you need support with your own fundraising efforts, if you’re a local musician who needs the boost to get their start here, if you live downtown and just don’t want to see one of the only spaces of this kind left in Durham disappear, then share this ask with like minded people. It’s hard for us to reach out because we would much rather be raising money for all of the important work going on in this community, but we are doing so in the spirit of mutual aid. We are aiming to continue as a business that operates as a community space and serves the Durham that we know and love in the midst of a dramatic economic and cultural shift.  If you can, if you are able, if you feel that it’s important that we stick around, please help us.

With love and hope,

Kym and The Pinhook Crew

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Kym Register posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #4



It's overwhelming to look at all of the supporters here and all the folks who have been at our shows and think about what a rad community we have. We'll be saying thank you forever, but for now, a few updates.

Because of generous offline donations and ticket sales from our first 3 shows, we have been able to lower our goal to just $51k.

Now, let's do some math.
You take the over $41k raised here on fundly
Plus the ticket's we've already sold for tonight's show ($6k).
AND...That leaves just $4k left to meet our total goal of $80k to SAVE THE PINHOOK!

We've got 3 days. We've got this!

We are so grateful to all of you who have supported us and continue to in all ways! We're so close... so if you feel inspired keep the party rolling in any of the following ways.

Share our fundly link on social media.
Post a picture of your favorite moment at the Pinhook online.
Tell your friends to buy tickets for our final show (only 20 left!)
Buy a raffle ticket this weekend at the Pinhook (I mean, MOOG FEST / HOPSCOTCH / ART OF COOL / SHAKORI PASSES?)
Spread the word in the best way you know how.

We'll be updating you in the coming days as we close in and talk more about how we can all celebrate this incredible show of support.

We feel the love y'all. Big time. See you forever.

Team Pinhook

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Kym Register posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #3

Update #3

Hey friends - I'm going to post a few answers to some FAQ's - watch it only be like 2. But whatever. Hi. Love y'all.

1. We're going to be lowering the goal of our fundraising campaign with each offsite donation that we get. We've been mailed donations that add up to 2,250 from friends like The Blotter and sweet angel queers in Providence that put on a dance party for us! There are other donors that I don't have consent to name... So that is ONE way you can donate. Definitely.

2. ALL of the money that we raise will go do paying off this extreme debt. If we have anything left over for any reason (weird but cool) we will consult our higher powers / spiritual authorities and YOU about what you think should be done with the money. In no way will we use it for operating costs or anything other than what it was intended for. Duh :)

3. Just for kicks - and to make sure we're all on the same page here - I want to make it clear that as far I know / suspect there was absolutely no mal intention in this scenario. The mistakes made were honest - but costly mistakes nonetheless. To me - that doesn't absolve responsibility - but it does make it a more palatable situation. And we can get through this with your help.


Its a way to donate to the campaign and see some amazing music - to give and have fun at the same time. If we sell out these shows, we'll be VERY close to making our goal. So buy tix! They are going - and will soon be gone.

Lookie there. 4 FAQ's ...

Thanks friends!!

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Kym Register posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #2


Y'all, we are 42% of the way to our goal and we are so incredibly grateful for your support! We've got 4 incredible shows coming up to help take this campaign to the finish line.

In celebration, we're launching a "Where's Winona" photo scavenger hunt and want you all to join in! It's your chance to win a 4-night pass to the "Save the Pinhook" concert series.


1. Find a Winona in the wild (we've stashed a few dozen of them around the Triangle).
2. Snap a pic with/of her.
3. Share your photo on social media
4. Tag the photo with #savethepinhook

You can feel free to take Winona on an adventure with you or just leave her in her natural habitat. Either way, once you have your photos, be sure to place her back somewhere where other contestants may discover her.


Jan. 27th & 28th, Feb 3rd & 4th
Doors at 7pm Shows at 8pm
Tickets: $25 per show or $100 for the series (includes a free Pinhook tshirt)
Exclusive door swag at the door each night.
Celebrity DJ/Hosts each night along with 4-band bills of the Triangle's finest performers.





See you there!

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Kym Register posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #1

Y'ALL - WE ARE OVERWHELMED OMG by the amount of support we've already received. Not so sure how to handle it. Bursting out of our seams and skins. There's so much more to say than this - but to make it as short an informative as possible, here are some events we're putting together to help take us home. Seriously ... syck ... line ups. Get tix ::*

SAVE THE PINHOOK, UNTIL FOREVER Benefit Concert Series: January 27th, 28th, February 3rd and 4th
Tickets available now at
All shows start at 8pm | Doors at 7pm
Tickets $25 per night. Exclusive nightly door swag for ticket holders each night.
$100 for a 4-night pass includes a Pinhook t-shirt and a bear hug from Kym.

For Immediate Release...

It is with a hopeful heart and “Save the Empire” spirit that, The Pinhook, one of Durham’s deeply rooted and vital institutions announces a 4-night concert series in support of their recent fundraising campaign. Launched just a month ago, the campaign has already seen an overwhelming outpour of support. To take it to the finish line and ensure that this venue will be around, until forever, owner Kym Register is curating a 4-night concert series called “Save the Pinhook”.

Banding together with the Triangle’s finest musicians, each night will be a full- on party of epic proportions. These super-secret luscious line-ups are not to be missed, featuring many of the triangle’s favorite musicians—from those that made their start here or have come to call this area home.

Take a gamble and pick a night, there’s something for everyone in each evening’s bills, or go all-in and get tickets for the whole series. You can say you were there, you saw it all, you saved the Pinhook.

Keep posted to the Pinhook website ( and social media (@thepinhook) throughout the month as they launch their “Where’s Winona” campaign for a chance to win a 4-night pass, release more details and continue the celebration of support for this time-honored establishment.

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