School Supplies for Michigan's Youth

School Supplies for Michigan's Youth

From Kim Salama

I am collecting funds to be donated to the Project Backpack 2018-19 campaign. This fantastic program provides new, age appropriate, backpacks and supplies to underprivileged youth in Michigan.

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Each year before school starts my mom and I head to the store to purchase all of the items on my school's supply list.  I can start the year confident that I will have everything I need to successfully complete my assignments, etc.  However, I know that isn't the case for everyone.  After all, a new backpack and all of the required supplies can cost upwards of $150!  That's a lot of money!!  I'd like to help make sure all of my peers start the 2018-2019 school year off on the right foot.  Can I count on your help?  I've outlined a few special giving levels, but ANY AMOUNT is super helpful!  Thank you!!!

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