Skupos Inc. for Support of Ukraine

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Skupos Inc. for Support of Ukraine

From Jamie Stevens

Send Hope to Families in Ukraine via UN Refugee Agency and Protect Children in Ukraine via UNICEF. Total will be split equally amongst both organizations.

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Skupos will match up to $2,000 total in donations and will be split equally to UNHCR and UNICEF. Thank you so much for your generosity. 

Learn more about USA for UNHCR: The UN Refugee Agency

More than one million people — mostly women and children — have been forced to flee Ukraine. They are sheltering in underground train stations, walking hundreds of miles and leaving behind everything they’ve ever known. UNHCR is on the ground scaling its response to provide assistance and ensure those displaced find safety in welcoming arms in this moment of crisis.

Protect Children in Ukraine | UNICEF

Children are the least responsible for armed conflict in Ukraine, but they suffer most from its consequences. Your donation will help UNICEF ensure that Ukraine's children have access to safe water, nutrition, health care, education and protection. Less than 3% of funds go to administrative costs.

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